I began painting these Matryoshka dolls in 2018, and it quickly became an enjoyable series that was a refreshing departure from my usual artwork.
Blank Russian dolls are readily available online. Once I had my set, I started by preparing the surface for painting.
The preparation involved thorough sanding followed by 3 or 4 coats of white gesso primer.

For the actual painting, I used acrylic paints.
I drew inspiration from some of my favorite TV series, including Twin Peaks, Bottom, Black Adder, and Star Trek.

Using a collection of reference photos for faces, uniforms, and clothing, I sketched the designs onto the dolls.
The curves of the dolls posed some challenges, particularly for the faces, so I opted to keep most facial details front-facing.
You can browse some of my Matryoshka dolls here.....Projects